Thursday, December 23, 2004

When you are excited

I got a new job. I will have benefits now. I will make 3 dollars more an hour. I just cant believe how amazing Grace is. I know that God provided this job fo me. I knew I was going to get this job too. I just didnt have the anxiety level that I have in the past when hoping for a job. I really felt as though it was the best place for me. It seemed it was the best fit for my skills and personality. Man I hope my intution is on target.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Why when your boss treats you like dump....

That you still feel like dump quitting? Today I am putting in my two week notice to my current employer. I have two bosses and one treats me great the other not so great. So why do I feel bad about leaving? I guess because I really adore my great boss. And feel guilty for disliking the not so great boss so much. This not so great boss has treated me since I started as though I have no brain in my head. Yet things she needs to disclose to me she fails to do so. The great boss and I think alot alike. So we work well together. Actually it is going to be a great thing for the great boss too because now she will no longer have to listen to all the bitching. Mainly coming from me! I admit it I can't keep my mouth from moving negatively when it comes to not-so-great boss. I will be glad to get out of here but I already feel on the outside and that is a sucky place to be. When you want so much to be on the inside. Which is where I could never fully get with either boss. Oh Lord deliver me from the spining of my mind.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Grouchy grouchy grouch

You would think that since it is Christmas that me being a Christian and all I would be in a cheery mood. Well this is not the case. I am grumpier than ever. Maybe this has something to do with my husband being on his round the clock exam study schedule. Which means I get to see him after I have made or bought his dinner and for a moment or two before I go to bed.
I would really like for my blog to be funny and insiteful like Dooce but it just isn't possible. I just don't need that many anti-depressants to keep me going. I am just your average married mother with a dead end job and lots of hopes and dreams for the future and not much panning out at the moment. Not only am I grouchy I am on a pity party. GREAT! Check back later with all this grumpiness going on I am bound to bounce back on an amazing high later. But I will be too happy to write a blog so you may just have imagine this.