Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Grouchy grouchy grouch

You would think that since it is Christmas that me being a Christian and all I would be in a cheery mood. Well this is not the case. I am grumpier than ever. Maybe this has something to do with my husband being on his round the clock exam study schedule. Which means I get to see him after I have made or bought his dinner and for a moment or two before I go to bed.
I would really like for my blog to be funny and insiteful like Dooce but it just isn't possible. I just don't need that many anti-depressants to keep me going. I am just your average married mother with a dead end job and lots of hopes and dreams for the future and not much panning out at the moment. Not only am I grouchy I am on a pity party. GREAT! Check back later with all this grumpiness going on I am bound to bounce back on an amazing high later. But I will be too happy to write a blog so you may just have imagine this.


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